Distance Learning in Higher Music Education: teaching technologies and methodologies
Conservatorio di Musica “G. Verdi” di Milano
Via Conservatorio, 12 – Milano
Friday, February 2nd 2018 – Puccini Hall

The conference, addressed to Italian, European and International teachers and researchers in the Higher Music Education sector, is the first presentation of the INTERMUSIC Project (INTERACTIVE environment for MUSIC learning and practicing) funded by the European Union, through the the Italian National Agency Erasmus + (INDIRE), within the Erasmus + Program – KA2 Strategic Partnerships Higher Education Sector.
The project is coordinated by the G. Verdi Conservatoire in Milan with its partners: the Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium (RDAM) in Copenhagen, the Lietuvos Muzikos ir Theater Akademija (LTMA) in Vilnius, the Association Europeenne des Conservatoires, Academies de Musique and Musikhochschulen (AEC) ) in Brussels.
The conference is intended as an opportunity for further study and discussion on Distance Learning in the specific field of Higher Music Education, in which speakers from universities, conservatories and European and international music institutes are confronted. Experts in distance education methodologies and technologies applied to different disciplines and in particular to the music field will offer their contributions.
The specific nature of the musical training is to include, in addition to theoretical disciplines, a large part of instrumental and vocal practice, both for single students as well as for chamber and orchestral ensembles: these practices require active interaction between students and teachers and its technological and methodological development as a consequence.
Moreover, today’s research and technologies are exploring new development areas that concern enhanced environments for learning instrumental practice as well as new forms of online musical creation and performance, such as Network Music and Network Music Composition.
Programme and flyer
Speakers CVs & Abstratcs
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